Annapurna Puja & Maha Yagna 2019

Venue: Houston Durgabari Date: Saturday April 13 Time: 4/26/19 9:00 am - 4/26/19 3:00 pm Hosted By: HDBS

This year the Maha Yagna was originally scheduled on Sunday, April 7th, 2019, but due to inclement weather we had to postpone the event for a week.  The Havans are usually performed on the ninth day of Durga Puja, and it was a Saturday, Neel Sashti, and also a very auspicious day due to Mahajogas of stars, we decided to do it on Saturday, April 13th.  We also preponed the Annyopurna puja and Annyokut the same day.

The week started off as usual, but the weather was not cooperating.   The weather channels gave a forecast of another round of severe weather on that Saturday, but we had already sent out the revised date and schedule.  Everyone was calling me if there would be a change in the plan.  I let everyone know that everything was Ma Durga’s wish.  We proceeded with tent installation on Friday and some of us were there for almost the entire Friday afternoon and evening for Havan Kunda preparation.  By then we had a little drizzle and it was very cloudy.  The next morning, the volunteers went to temple around 7:30am to finish the last-minute arrangements for three big pujas.  Everything started really well.  The volunteers prepared lots of bhog with nine kinds of dishes, and Pollanyo was the main item.  They also brought a lot of snacks and variety of misthis for Annyoukut.   These bhogs and other prasads were beautifully decorated and served.  Different kinds of juices were also served to Ma Durga.   Ma Durga was decorated with Rajanigandha and Lotus mala.  The Puja inside the temple was finished by 11:00am.  Havan started at 11:30am.  A lot of devotees came to participate.  In fact, it reached record numbers compared to the last few years. Still, there was no sign of severe weather.  Finally, Havan was finished around 2:00pm in the afternoon.  We distributed Prasad boxes to all the devotees along with special chal for Annyopurna Puja.  There was also a sponsorship lunch served in the auditorium.  Ma Durga showed her divine power and strength when a hail storm started with a loud noise and then everything was just white.  The storm lasted for 10 minutes and then everything was calm.  It was a miracle!  I was not sure how to thank Ma Durga.  It truly was an auspicious day.

My sincere thanks to all devotees who participated and contributed to this Maha Yagna.  Special thanks to EB members for their support and help. I want to thank all five priests for doing three pujas one after another on that day.  Without their hard work, patience, and dedication we couldn’t have achieved this.  I want to thank all the volunteers for preparing special sweets, snacks, and also bhogs and preparing 100 + boxes for all devotees’ families.  I also want to thank Nirmalya and Rituparna Roy for their generous donation of five purohit barons for that ceremony.  I want to thank Rakhi Sinha and family for their generous donation of all sarees for all deities.  Thanks to Mridula Karna and family for donating Rajanigandha Mala and Lotus malas.  Last but not the least, I have to mention the name of one person because without him, Yagna wouldn’t have been successful.  He is none other than our Ganeshda.  He played an instrumental role to bring in all devotees.  Thank you Ganeshda.  Your dedication motivates us all.

Sanchita Guha, Religious Chair