Sharad Arghya 2020

Call for Magazine Articles

This year is a unique year in the history of Durga Puja in HDBS  as the puja committee is still determining how Durga Puja will be celebrated based on the guidelines from the county authorities. But one thing is for sure, we will have a magazine like all other years. Durga Bari Puja Magazine Committee cordially invites you to send us your articles (story / poem / travelogue / informational articles on any topic of interest including COVID-19/etc)  in Bengali or English. Children can send  children’s artworks / write-ups of their choice. Please send your submissions to by September 13th, 2020 so that we have enough time to make the magazine ready before Puja.

Bengali Section

We encourage everyone to submit articles typed in ‘Google Bangla’ which may be accessed through

English Section

All fonts are acceptable, we might change the font per our magazine committee’s preference.

Children Section

Only children’s handwritten Bengali articles will be printed as it is, so please make sure that they are written clearly with 2 inch margins on both sides.  Please send the ‘word file’ along with the ‘pdf file’ for the articles in English and Bengali sections. Word files are needed for editing. Please mark the articles with:

  1. a) Writer’s name
  2. b) Age
  3. c) The title of the article
  4. d) Your city of residence.

Graduation Section

Graduation (High School or College) Section please submit with the following information

  1. a) Student picture (high definition)
  2. b) Student Name
  3. c) School Current School Name
  4. d) College Student will attend, and their major if known
  5. e) Awards/Honors/Achievements
  6. f) Hobbies
  7. g) Goals
  8. h) Parents names
  9. i) A quote that inspires you

2nd Generation Artworks

Inviting ‘2nd Gen’ adults to submit Puja themed artworks (drawing, painting, etc) for likely use or publication in the Magazine and also for Puja communication/flyers.


If you have any questions contact us at for the quickest response.

Thank you very much for your participation.
HDBS 2020 Magazine Committee