Venue: Online Date: Saturday, June 27, 2020 Time:
PC: Nirmalya Roy
This year Bipattarini puja was celebrated on Saturday, June 27. For the first time we live-streamed a major puja event, on the Houston Durgabari Society Facebook and YouTube Channels. We had devotees tuning in, casting the YouTube streams to their wide screen television, and offering Anjali from their homes. In fact we had devotees not only from Houston, but from Los Angeles to Atlanta and they all appreciated the streaming service. The volunteers had to take personal risk in coming to the temple under these circumstances, and did so regardless. We had over 50 Sankalpa Pujas and we mailed the sacred red thread to devotees’ homes. We plan to continue live-streaming future pujas to our members and all devotees who are unable to join us physically during these challenging times.
Diptabhas Sarkar, HDBS President