Maha Shivaratri

Venue: Houston Durga Bari Society Date: Monday, March 04 Time: 4/12/19 8:30 am - 4/12/19 9:00 pm Hosted By: HDBS

Maha Shivaratri was celebrated on March 4th. This was the first time we kept the temple open from 8:30 am to 10:30 pm. This is a puja to worship Lord Shiva. A flock of ladies were seen in the temple from time to time pouring water and milk to perform Abhishekam of the Lingam. At 7:00 pm we celebrated Shiva puja with Rajbesh followed by Yagna. The volunteers served Prasad through the day. Even some members of Executive board joined hands to help clean the temple after puja. It was a bitter cold night. The temperature was plunging to the high 30s but nothing stopped the devotees. A near-record number of devotees offered puja at our temple and Maha Shivaratri was a tremendous success.

Sanchita Guha, Religious Chair
