Natyotsav 2023

Venue: HDBS Auditorium Time: 5/27/23 4:00 pm - 5/28/23 10:00 pm Hosted By: HDBS

Saturday May 27 Drama Sunday May 28 Drama
4:45 PM Inauguration 3:00 PM North Carolina (suspense)
5:00 pm Boston (drama/tragedy) 4:20 pm Florida (political thriller)
6:15 pm Washington DC (drama/comedy) 5:40 pm Houston (mirroring society)
7:40 pm Kothaloy, Dallas (horror/thriller) 7:00 pm DFW (drama)
9.00 pm Michigan 8.40 pm BTH (comedy/suspense)
  • Snacks & Dinner…
  • Fish fry, Fish finger, Mochar chop, Vegetable chop, Singara, Cha
  • Dhokar dalna, Chilli chicken, Chilli paneer, Fried rice
  • … available for purchase both days only to Drama Fest participants and audience